Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Treat Yo Self

I took the advice of a character from one of my favorite television shows. With a little help from Greg, I was able to treat myself to this fabulous on card auto of Retta, better known as Donna Meagle on Parks and Rec.

It arrived only three days after I paid, which was definitely a surprise. Little did I know that the seller lives in the next city over. 

With this addition, I now have 7 out of 13 autos needed for the complete Parks and Rec auto set. I still have the bigger names to grab, but I may just buy a box and hope for the best. At the very least I will be able to trade or sell the dupes, or just send them over to Greg should he need them. I'm in no rush to complete the set, so it may be a few months before I take action and actually buy that box though. 

Lets take a look at my updated checklist. 

Amy Poehler (Leslie Knope)
Rob Lowe (Chris Traeger)
Aziz Ansari (Tom Haverford)
Nick Offerman (Ron Swanson)
Aubrey Plaza (April Ludgate)
Jim O’Heir (Jerry Gergich)
Retta (Donna Meagle)
Jay Jackson (Perd Hapley)
Mo Collins (Joan Callmezzo)
Megan Mullally (Tammy Swanson)
Paul Rudd (Bobby Newport)
Fred Armisen (Raul)
Parker Posey (Lindsay Carlisle Shay)

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