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Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Blog Notes: Trade Pile, Last Call for my Contest, and BFG Winnings

The typical summer slowdown at work hasn't happened, as it's actually been much busier than normal due to COVID and all the uncertainty around what's going to happen on college campuses this Fall. But as of 5pm, I'm officially on vacation for the rest of the week, so I'm turning my attention to the blog and a few things that new some catching up on.

1. Last Call on the Contest
If you haven't yet joined in on the fun, today's your last day to do so. The contest I've been running officially ends at midnight, and I'll be adding to the prize pool and announcing winners sometime in the next few days. I likely won't make it to my goal of 100 followers (currently sitting at 96), and that's okay. I appreciate all 96 (and everyone else) that takes the time to check out the blog. Thank you!

Regarding the contest, I was initially planning to hold a winnings draft, in which the winners chose which prize they wanted. But after thinking about it some more, that will likely take a ton of time considering the number of prizes I plan on giving out. Instead, I will add all of the entries into a randomizer, then match up the names with the prize number. Seem fair?

One question remains: how many times should I randomize the list of entries? First comment to answer this question decides it.

2. Blog Reader Bruce?
Trade Pile #3 was claimed earlier this month by a commenter named Blog Reader Bruce, but I don't have their contact info. Bruce, if you're out there, can you send me an email so we can exchange address info? If I don't hear back from you by this Friday, I'll plan to add to the pile.  

3. BFG Winnings from Johnny's Trading Spot 
It feels wrong to post without including at least one card photo, so now is as good a time as ever to catch up on my past winnings in Johnny's Big Fun Game. I've participated the last two months and come away with some cool stuff, and I'm looking forward to this Friday's game as well. (Thanks for hosting, Johnny!) If you haven't yet participated, head over and sign up now!


  1. I like random at 7. And I agree with the prizes being done that way. The draft could take forever not knowing how often some come on and check

  2. Those Sport Kings are awesome!

  3. Hey, gaining 10 new followers in a month is impressive!

  4. Congrats on the new followers! Thanks for the contest and for the pimp.
