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Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Our F***ing City!

I recently completed my second trade with the always great Tony of Off Hiatus Baseball Cards. As usual, the trade got started after I saw a card I've had my eye on for awhile pop up on his blog. 

I'm sure the title may have given it away, but I have been in love with this awesome piece of cardboard since the day I first saw it. Prices online were a little more than I wanted to spend, but thankfully Tony was willing to send it my way. I have a large stack of cards headed his way in the next day or two, but it may take me awhile to properly pay him back. 

Especially since he managed to toss in 6 vintage cards, starting with this awesome 1975 card featuring Al Rosen and Roy Campanella. I've slowly been picking up cards for my Topps Team Set Project, and fellow bloggers have been helpful in sending vintage cardboard my way. This card was destined for my 1970's binder, that is until I remembered Greg of PTSIA is a huge collector of both Rosen and Campanella. The card is set aside until I hear back from him, but it's destined for the binder if he doesn't need it. 

Continuing on our tour of vintage cards from Tony, we are now looking at a pretty sweet card of Dodgers Rookie Stars from 1972. This marks my second card from the '72 set, which doesn't do a whole lot for me, positively or negatively. It is just sort of another year to me. But vintage is vintage, and it is all pretty sweet in my eyes. Maybe it's the history hidden in the cards.

Also included were my first four cards from 1974. The guys featured on these cards aren't necessarily the smallest names out there either.  Of course, since these are my first few cards from '74, I figured I needed to share my thoughts on them. I like the design on the front, but I'm not in love with it, if you know what I mean. However, all cards have backs and my love lays there. 

I don't give a whole lot of recognition to card backs on here. Frankly, they are sometimes an afterthought to me. However, I spend a little more time going over the back when it's vintage. I love the full name on the back. Is there a word stronger than love? If so, then that would express my feelings on the signature next to the name. I'm not sure if any other sets do this, but I'm a huge fan. This is more specific to the card above, but who knew there was a Pittsburgh in Kansas?

I did say he sent four cards over, so here is the fourth. It is pretty badly miscut, but I couldn't care less about miscuts for the TTSP. One thing I don't like about '74 is the blank space left on horizontal shots. I've only seen this one card, so maybe it is a combination of a "boring" team photo and the miscut. I'll reserve my feelings on the topic until I see some more.

As if Tony didn't send enough my direction already, also included in the bubble mailer were about 25 cards I needed for my Series 2 set. Hopefully I can finish that up via trade.

Thanks again for the great cards Tony. Like I said above, I will probably be in debt to you for a while, but expect some cards within the next week or so. 

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